Рябека, О. (О. Ryabeka) (2015) Фантом планетарної особистості: структура потреб, напрям і динаміка їх розвитку (The Phantom of Planetary Person: Structure of Need, Direction and Dinamics of Their Development). Наукові записки Національного університету «Острозька академія». Серія «Філософія» (Вип.16). pp. 7-12.
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У статті розглянута зміна образу людини у контексті соціального розвитку планетарної спільноти; зазначено, що розпад її на людей минулого, сьогодення і майбутнього – цілком закономірний процес; сучасний період визначається як суперечливий, оскільки присутні перехідні форми людини; спрогнозовано стрибок до Планетарної і Ноосферної форм буття особистості як предтечі визрівання променистого людства.
(The aim of the article is to study the role of the modern human-being in creating, functioning and development
of the existing world system, which actively globalizes and leads to the generation of the Planetary personality, the formation of which, as it is assumed, should finish in the XXI century.
The author states that in the past, in the industrial era, the theoretical models of the human-being were cultivated,
which viewed the person’s dependence on impersonal social powers. These are images – models of «Lonely man» (D.
Riesman), «Fighting man» (A. Camus), «Man as arepresentative of the class» (K. Marx), «Mass man» (J. Ortega y Gasset), «One-dimensional man» (H. Marcuse), «Closed personality» (N. Elias), «Consumer mar» (E. Fromm) etc.
The main thing was to adapt to social requirements, i.e. to provide homeostasis.
Nowadays there are human images, reflecting the contradiction of the modern individual who lives in the transitional society. Those are «Deceitful man» (Yu. Levada), «Lost man» (V. Yadov), «Centaur man», «Paradoxical man» (Zh. Toshchenko), «Catastrophic man» (V. Shubkin).
Scientific thought is actively searching for human image of the future. One of the variants is the so-called Postman.
It is stated that in the scientific literature this term is neglected, the adjective posthuman is usually used. However, the researcher thinks that there is an important reason for this: Postman has no definition because he/she doesn’t exist yet, but is «on the way», being a real phantom that should appear in the end of the XXI century.
The author defends the hypothesis that in the XXI century it is a case of the Planetary personality. Its vital and social
needs, adapting it to the information environment, are analyzed. It may serve the basis for the formation of the new type of personality – Interman that will lead to the emergence of a completely new cratiological community – Interocracy – at the higher organizational level.
Due to sense genesis human personality goes beyond its limits and the limits of the planetary development, which is
principal as it promotes the algorithm of human self-development: – technocratic personality – Planetary personality – Noospheric personality – Radiant mankind.
The author sees the perspective of the theoretical analysis of the given problem in proving the working hypothesis
that in the XXI century planetary community, due to the activation of its attributive features, can reach the transitional state from planetary to noospheric stage and, in general, come to the level of space being.)
Item Type: | Article |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Людина, постлюдина, людина-Інтермен, Планетарна особистість, Ноосферна особистість, штучний інтелект, Інтерократія (Human-being, post-individual, Interman, Planetary personality, Noospheric personality, artificial intellect, Interocracy) |
Subjects: | by fields of science > Ethics |
Divisions: | UNSPECIFIED |
Depositing User: | Галина Цеп'юк |
Date Deposited: | 21 Jul 2015 13:36 |
Last Modified: | 21 Jul 2015 13:36 |
URI: | https://eprints.oa.edu.ua/id/eprint/3850 |
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