Ніколаєнко, О. (O. Nikolaenco) (2017) Діяльність організації «Крапля молока» в Наддніпрянщині на початку ХХ ст. (The activities of the organization «Drop of milk» in Ukraine at the beginning of the ХХth century). Наукові записки Національного університету «Острозька академія». Серія «Гендерні дослідження» (Вип. 3). pp. 82-88.
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(Проаналізовано діяльність організацій «Крапля молока» в Наддніпрянщині, що були важливим кроком у боротьбі з високою дитячою смертністю. Створені за ініціативою лікарів-педіатрів і за підтримки громадськості, вони вирішували проблему постачання якісного молока для немовлят у великих містах – Києві, Харкові, Одесі. Одночасно надання безкоштовних медичних консультацій та регулярні обстеження малюків сприяли становленню системи захисту материнства й дитинства.)
One of the important gender problems of modern societies is motherhood and the related issues of maternal and child health and welfare. Study of the formation of the system of protection of motherhood and childhood will help identify the main ways to address these issues. At the beginning of the 20th century in Ukraine, as well as in the whole Russian Empire were very high rates of infant mortality. To reduce child mortality, following the example of Western countries established organizations «Drop of milk». They gave the children up to 1 year, living in cities, qualitative and cheap milk. «Drop of milk» was established in Kyiv, Odesa, Kharkiv, on the initiative of Pediatricians – I. V. Troitsky, A. O. Gershenzon, S. M. Yampolsky. The organization existed on the contributions of benefactors, and with the support of local authorities. Points-of-milk has been calculated, the poorest part of the population, urban workers, among which was the highest rate of infant mortality. The organization advocated for breast-feeding, and doled out cheap or free milk. Later the «Drop of milk» consultations were established for mothers and regular check-ups of children, which significantly influenced to reduce child morbidity and mortality. Doctors working in the «Drop of milk» gave lectures about the preservation of the health of children, published propaganda leaflets and educational literature. In addition, on the initiative of the public organization was to provide social assistance to needy families – assisted in finding jobs, housing, arranged the collection of children’s clothes, etc. Organization «Drop of milk» became the basis for the creation of a system of protection of motherhood and childhood in Ukraine by creating prototypes of the dairy kitchens and pediatric patronage.
Item Type: | Article |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | «Крапля молока», охорона материнства й дитинства, Наддніпрянщина («Drop of milk», protection of motherhood and childhood, Ukraine, beginning of XX century) |
Subjects: | by fields of science > Gender Researches |
Divisions: | UNSPECIFIED |
Depositing User: | Ірина Погончук |
Date Deposited: | 14 Nov 2017 12:59 |
Last Modified: | 14 Nov 2017 12:59 |
URI: | https://eprints.oa.edu.ua/id/eprint/6374 |
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