Спецпропаганда Радянського Союзу наприкінці Другої світової війни в науковому дискурсі кінця ХХ – поч. ХХІ ст. (Special propaganda of the Soviet Union at the end of the second world war in scientific late XX – early XXI century)

Трофимович, В. (V. Trofymovych) and Куцька, О. (O. Kutska) (2017) Спецпропаганда Радянського Союзу наприкінці Другої світової війни в науковому дискурсі кінця ХХ – поч. ХХІ ст. (Special propaganda of the Soviet Union at the end of the second world war in scientific late XX – early XXI century). ВІЙСЬКОВО-ІСТОРИЧНИЙ МЕРИДІАН. ЕЛЕКТРОННИЙ НАУКОВИЙ ФАХОВИЙ ЖУРНАЛ (4). pp. 26-41. ISSN 2310-1326

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Здійснено спробу проаналізувати сукупність наукових праць щодо радянської воєнної пропаганди із забезпечення бойових дій Червоної армії на території європейських країн у 1944 – 1945 рр. Розкрито погляди зарубіжних та українських науковців на різні аспекти проблеми, що досліджується. Констатовано, що з кінця 80-х рр. ХХ ст. розпочинається переосмислення подій Другої світової війни, яке характеризується появою альтернативних до радянського періоду поглядів.
(An attempt to analyze the totality of scientific works on Soviet military propaganda
aimed at providing military operations to the Red Army on the territory of European
countries in 1944-1945 has been made.
In the late 80s, with the beginning of the period of public life democratization in the
USSR and the policy of glasnost, a radical change took place in the Soviet historiography
of the Second World War, which entailed a radical renewal of the research problems.
The growth of their objectivity was influenced by the abolition of strict censorship, the
partial withdrawal of historical science from the curatorship of the CPSU and greater
access of researchers to archival materials. This period is characterized by the emergence of
profound works on the history of propaganda, which can be considered a large-scale review
of the experience of information and psychological struggle in wars and armed conflicts of
various historical periods. However, these publications reveal the history of propaganda
in general and part of information related to the events of World War II is insignificant.
At the same time, certain aspects of Soviet military propaganda are revealed in the
pages of periodicals, since the narrow specialization of the majority of authors contributes
to the deepening of the analysis of the development of certain issues of informationpsychological
Considering that the Soviet military propaganda was secret in its content, one cannot
expect to receive significant material on this matter from foreign publications. However,
they disclose facts little known to post-Soviet historians of the Red Army stay in Europe
at the end of the last world war. In particular, European researchers raise for discussion
the issue of acceptance by the population of the countries of Europe the fact of the Soviet
troops presence within their states. And this, in the context of the Soviet special propaganda
review, is extremely important, because the Red Army soldiers behavior influenced the
formation of the Soviet Union image abroad.
Today, the pages of foreign publications are full of "tactless" attitude of the Red Army
to the host country local population, the ideological approaches of the Communist Party
of the USSR had been exposed in implanting their policy to neighboring countries, the
occupation policy of official Moscow and others had been argued. In response, there are
objections and excuses (particularly in Russian publications. However, there are more
moderate views formed in accordance with the post-war relations of countries with the
USSR and which should also not be rejected (particularly in the publications of Bulgarian,
Czech and Serbian researchers.
In the works of Russian researchers, a tendentious approach to the policy of the
Russian Federation is generally seen, but alternative views can be traced. But also we
observe author attempts not so much to critically analyze the events of the end of the
Second World War, but to "smooth" the negative facts in them. Among the Ukrainian
representatives many researchers studied the questions of the Second World War. However,
their main scientific searches mainly about the issues of the place and role of Ukraine in
this war. Only few works devoted to the period of the Red Army stay in the territory of
European countries.
A weighty component of historiography are dissertational works. Some of them reveal
the propaganda confrontation of the parts in the war. However, there was no direct interest
in a comprehensive study of the propaganda work to ensure the military operations of
Soviet troops within foreign states.
Despite the extremely large volume of scientific literature devoted to Soviet special
propaganda during the time of the Red Army's stay in Europe at the end of the Second
World War and the first post-war years, the historiographic component of the problem
remains poorly developed both in Ukraine and abroad. Even the researchers of the Russian
Federation, with their broader access to the sources of the outlined period, bypass the issue
of propaganda support for the Red Army in the course of hostilities in Europe.)

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Історіографія, Друга світова війна, Червона армія, пропаганда, інформаційно-психологічна війна (Historiography, World War II, the Red Army, propaganda, informationpsychological warfare)
Subjects: by fields of science > History
Divisions: The College of International Relationship > The Department of History
Depositing User: професор Володимир Трофимович
Date Deposited: 14 Nov 2018 18:52
Last Modified: 14 Nov 2018 18:53
URI: https://eprints.oa.edu.ua/id/eprint/7340

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