Українці в Болгарії і Україна: потенціал співпраці (Ukrainians in Bulgaria and Ukraine: the potential of cooperation)

Атаманенко, А. (А. Atamanenko) (2019) Українці в Болгарії і Україна: потенціал співпраці (Ukrainians in Bulgaria and Ukraine: the potential of cooperation). Україна і Болгарія в історії Європи : збірник наукових праць. pp. 180-197.

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The history of Ukrainians in Bulgaria encompasses several centuries and is related to the names of a famous Ukrainian scholar and statesman M. Drahomanov (1841–1895), a poetess Lesia Ukraiinka (1871–1913) and other prominent figures of the second half of 19th century and early 20th century. Being the representative of a rather powerful migration wave that occurred during the Ukrainian War of Independence, they founded a set of cultural and civil organizations, which made their mark in cultural and other fields of Bulgaria (some of them survived until 1945). One of the most significant representatives of this interwar emigration is a sculptor Mykhailo Parashchuk who left a unique legacy that also belongs to the Republic of Bulgaria.
The paper majorly focuses on the peculiarities of today’s Ukrainian community in Bulgaria. The study analyzes the community’s state of affairs, respect for its national minority rights, and possible partnership with Ukraine. One of the conclusions that the author has made is that the Republic of Bulgaria can set an example of efficient cooperation between the diaspora’s civil organizations and Ukraine. Today’s Ukrainians in Bulgaria not only understand the necessity of preserving their own national or ethnic identity but also actively promote Ukraine. It often happens in association with the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Bulgaria collaborating within the framework of public and cultural diplomacy, informing Bulgarian society about the events taking place in Ukraine. It is important that the scientific partnership is also developing at a high pace, which facilitates research in Ukrainian studies in Bulgaria,
establishing strong scientific bonds and maintaining Ukrainian studies in the university education.
At the same time, the state support of its own expatriates and their organizations in Bulgaria will promote further preservation of Ukrainian identity of Ukrainian youth and successful mutually beneficial cooperation between the states in the cultural, economic and political fields.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: contemporary Ukrainian community in the Republic of Bulgaria, public diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, cooperation between the diaspora and Ukraine, preservation of Ukrainian identity
Subjects: by fields of science > History
by fields of science > History > History of Ukraine
Divisions: The College of International Relationship
Інститут дослідження української діаспори
Depositing User: Інститут досліджень української діаспори імені професора Любомира Винара НаУОА
Date Deposited: 21 Jan 2020 10:42
Last Modified: 28 Jan 2020 08:11

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