КАНТОВА МОРАЛЬНА АНТРОПОЛОГіЯ: ЗАГАЛЬНІ КОНТУРИ ПРОЕКТУ (Kant’s moral anthropology: general outline of the project)

Козловський, В. (V. Kozlovskyi ) (2013) КАНТОВА МОРАЛЬНА АНТРОПОЛОГіЯ: ЗАГАЛЬНІ КОНТУРИ ПРОЕКТУ (Kant’s moral anthropology: general outline of the project). Наукові записки. Серія "Філософія" (Вип.13). pp. 53-61.

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У статті досліджуються загалі риси моральної антропології І. Канта, її зв’язок як з доктриною радикального зла, так і засадами критичного філософування німецького мислителя. Розглядаються особливості моральної антропології у порівняні з іншими видами кантівського антропологічного дискурсу.
(This article investigates Kant’s moral anthropology project, which was mentioned in his basic ethical
treatises – “Critique of Practical Reason” (1788), “Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason” (1793)
and “Metaphysics of Morals” (1797), as well as in unfinished manuscript, that publishers call “Opus
Postumum”. In these texts philosopher has formulated the idea of a special anthropological doctrine that
needs to be created for better understanding of how to apply pure (a priori) imperatives of moral and
rights in the context of human (empirical) nature. In this article correlations between project of moral
philosophy with anthropology of religion in particular the doctrine of radical evil written by German
thinker can be traced. The most radical evil, specific to the human nature, underlines the peculiarities of
the moral anthropology, because human predisposition to evil is the founding idea that makes this type of
anthropological discussion possible. Most of the attention is given to ascertaining the characteristics of the
moral anthropology which underline its relativity to the “experience of the radical evil” on one hand and to
the principles of the critical philosophy on the other. At the same time, it is shown that moral anthropology
should not be viewed as the consistent implementation of the aforementioned principles. In his handwritten
notes, the German philosopher studies the idea of the transcendental anthropology in this exact context. It
is proved that this idea should not be viewed as the adequate implementation of Kant’s understanding of
the anthropology, because the philosopher has had much broader ideas concerning humans, their nature,
freedom and morality. The specifics of the moral anthropology are also studied in this perspective, mostly in
comparison to other types of Kant’s anthropological discussion, specifically to the pragmatic, physical and
biological understanding of humans and their nature.)

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Моральна антропологія, трансцендентальна антропологія, прагматична антропологія, радикальне зло, трансцендентальні принципи, емпірична й інтелігібельна природа, досвід, свобода. (moral anthropology, transcendental anthropology, pragmatic anthropology, transcendental principles, empirical and intelligible nature, experience, radical evil, freedom.)
Subjects: by fields of science > Philosophy
Divisions: The College of Humanities
Depositing User: Галина Цеп'юк
Date Deposited: 15 Jul 2013 09:30
Last Modified: 15 Jul 2013 09:30
URI: https://eprints.oa.edu.ua/id/eprint/2051

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