The Development of Character Education Implementation Model

Olishkevych, S.V. (2015) The Development of Character Education Implementation Model. Science and Education a New Dimension. Pedagogy and Psychology, III (35). pp. 14-16.

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The eleven principles o f character education and the major types o f character education (moral, developmental and caring
character education) are mentioned, analyzed, and compared in the article. Particular attention is paid to developmental character
education model and its stages (early, middle and adolescence stage). The four aspects o f character education program built on caring
approach were identified: 1) molding, 2) dialoging, 3) practice, and 4) confirmation. Common and different aspects in the character
education curriculum were listed. A number o f implementation models and practices were proposed.

Тип файлу: Стаття
Ключові слова: Character education, eleven principles o f character education, moral character education, developmental character education, caring character education, implementation model
Теми: За напрямами > Освіта
Підрозділи: Навчально-науковий інститут лінгвістики
Розмістив/ла: Галина Цеп'юк
Дата розміщення: 21 Лис 2018 19:45
Остання зміна: 21 Лис 2018 19:45

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