Трофимович, В. (V. Trofymovych) and Антонюк, Я. (Y. Antoniuk) (2019) Діяльність розвідувальної референтури УВО (1921–1929 рр.) (Activity of the UVO intelligence subdivision (1921–1929 рр.)). Військово-історичний меридіан (3(25)). pp. 40-51.
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У статті з’ясовано, що структура розвідувальної референтури УВО складалася з трьох груп: військової, територіальної та закордонної. Військова мережа поділялася на корпусні «експозитури», дивізійні, полкові та батальйонні «розвідчі станиці». Територіальна – на обласні «експозитури», окружні та повітові «розвідувальні станиці». Закордонна – складалася з Розвідувальних бюро, які підпорядковувалися Центральному розвідчому бюро.
(The article reviews a topical and poorly researched development stage of the special services of the Ukrainian liberation movement which is an activity of an intelligence subdivision of the Ukrainian Military Organization.
Its origin and formation was based on the combat experience gained by the soldiers of the Ukrainian Galician Army. A former Sich Riflemen senior officer, Osyp Dumin, played an important role in its development. It was under his command that the intelligence
subdivision acquired its full status.
At the same time, Osyp Dumin’s role in the UVO development had also a different, negative influence. He had a pro-Soviet position and gathered his supporters. By relying on his followers, Osyp Dumin tried to eliminate Yevhen Konovalets from a position in the
authority. Eventually, his manoeuvre caused a split in the UVO and formation of a WestUkrainian revolutionary organization that had its own intelligence network.
In spite of its internal strifes, a network of the UVO intelligence subdivision had been constantly evolving. Gradually, it covered not only Galicia, Volyn and Polissya, but also spread its activities over the entire territory of the Second Polish Republic. The UVO
intelligence network was divided into three groups, by the types of its structure and tasks, – military, territorial and foreign. All of them were headed by the Central intelligence bureau.
According to data collected by the Polish Army units, the UVO military intelligence network was divided into field corps “ekspozytury” (units), divisional, regimental and
battalion intelligence “stanytsi” (villages). The servicemen of the Ukrainian descent were considered to be the most reliable force The territorial network of the UVO intelligence subdivision was divided into regional
“ekspozytury”, circuit and county intelligence “stanytsi”. The following positions were
presumed to be structural parts of the regional “ekspozytury”: 1) a department chief, 2) a
deputy (responsible for political intelligence), 3) “protokoliant” (a protocol agent who was
engaged in a secret clerical work). The circuit and county intelligence “stanytsi” resembled
the regional “ekspozytura” by its staff organization.
The foreign departments of the UVO intelligence subdivision consisted of the Intelligence bureaus that were subordinated to the Central Intelligence bureau. The latter was composed of three sections: 1) organizational, 2) evidentsii (evidence) and statistics, 3) administrative. The most influential UVO cells were in Kaunas, Berlin, Königsberg, Danzig and Wrocław. Lithuania had a special position among the UVO allies, due to the
fact, that the UVO established a close cooperation with the state. The UVO intelligence provided the Lithuanians with information on the Polish military plans, a state of their army armament, and various training. Lithuania returned favour with providing the UVO
with funds donations, making the documents for the underground members and support in their literature publication.
The UVO intelligence forces were strongly concentrated on the training of their employees. They organized short-term courses for the higher and lower underground staff.
They performed an exchange between their chief positions for the underground members to gain new experiences. Despite Osyp Dumin’s actions aimed at the rupture and Yulian Golovinskyi hostile attitude towards development of the UVO intelligence subdivision, the UVO special services continued its existence. Subsequently, it became the basis for the OUN intelligence development)
Тип файлу: | Стаття |
Ключові слова: | розвідка, УВО, територіальна мережа, агентура, Польща, Литва, Німеччина (intelligence, UVO, territorial network, agents, Polish, Lithuania, Germany) |
Теми: | За напрямами > Історія |
Підрозділи: | Навчально-науковий інститут міжнародних відносин та національної безпеки > Кафедра історії ім. проф. М.П. Ковальського |
Розмістив/ла: | Галина Цеп'юк |
Дата розміщення: | 11 Січ 2020 19:47 |
Остання зміна: | 11 Січ 2020 19:47 |
URI: | https://eprints.oa.edu.ua/id/eprint/7980 |
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