Бондарчук, Я. (Bondarchuk Y. ) (2019) Вплив релігійно-світоглядних чинників на організацію простору в будівлях найдавніших поселень Близького Сходу XI-VII тисячоліть до н.е. (The infl uence of religious and worldview factors on the organization of space in the buildings of the most ancient settlements of the Middle East XI – VII millennium BC.). Вісник ХДАДМ. Історія мистецтва (№ 2). pp. 38-45.
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У статті простежується вплив релігійно-світоглядних уявлень на організацію простору споруд найдавніших поселень XI–VII тис. до н. е. Доведено, що домінування модулю у вигляді кола в доземлеробських поселеннях XI–IX тис. до н. е. було обумовлено не лише центричним сприйняттям простору, характерним для насельників постійних осель, але й переважанням культу Сонця, видима форма якого повторювалась у планах споруд. Поступовий перехід до прямокутних планів у IX–
VII тис. до н. е. обумовлювався не тільки більшою зручністю зведення споруди, але й був наслідком виникнення землеробства і праці на прямокутних
ділянках землі, що змінило релігійно-світоглядні
пріоритети, надавши перевагу культам землі, та
спонукало до наслідування в планах будівель сим-
волу землі — прямокутника. З’ясовано, що провідні
релігійно-світоглядні уявлення XI–VII тис. до
н. е. отримали відображення в характеристиках
домінантних на той час зодіакальних знаків Лева,
що позиціює принцип центризму, та Рака, який
позиціює лінійний принцип розвитку і руху. (One of the most characteristic
features of the architecture of the Middle East
settlements of the 11th – 7th millennium BC there is a
gradual transition from round to rectangular in terms
of buildings. Researchers explain this phenomenon by
practical factors, in particular, the greater convenience
in erection and distribution of interior space on separate
rooms. However, the organization of the interior
space of buildings depended on the religious perception
of the space of the world. Infl uence of religious-worldview
factors on the architecture of buildings XI – VII
millennium BC is an unresolved problem. It is expedient
to link it to another problem raised in the scientifi c
literature of the last decades and relates to the refl ection
of the leading religious-worldview ideas of any
historical period in the characteristic of the dominant
zodiac sign at that time, in which the point of intersection
of the ecliptic and the equator is for 2150 – 2160
years. This is due to the fact that ancient astronomers
could determine in which constellation the sun rose on
the day of vernal equinox and associated with him a
number of concepts and principles that refl ect the main
religious-ideological ideas of time. However, it is not
clear whether the characteristics of the dominant signs
of the zodiac corresponded to the leading religious ideas
and cults of the earlier periods of history, prior to the
emergence of astronomy. the ancient Middle Eastern settlements of XI – VII millennium
BC to trace the infl uence of religious-worldview
ideas on the organization of the space of structures
and to investigate whether is refl ection of the main
religious notions of this time in the characteristics of
the dominant zodiac signs, under which the point of the
equinox was then.
Results. The considered monuments of residential and
religious construction indicate that the inhabitants of
the ancient settlements of the 11th – the fi rst millennium
BC (Chayionu-Tepesi, Nevali Chori, Halan Chemi,
Einan), who had not yet known agriculture, built round-builds. Plans of their buildings repeated the visible
form of the Sun, which was of great importance
for gatherers of wild plants. In the IX millennium BC
with the emergence of agriculture and labour on rectangular
fi elds building plans gradually change from
round to rectangular. This phenomenon is due to the
fact that the spread of agriculture intensifi ed the cult of
the Earth. The symbol of the earth – a rectangle (from
a rectangular plot of the fi eld) became the basis for the
plans of houses in agricultural settlements. The transition
from the circle module to the rectangle module
show the buildings of Chayionu-Tepesi, Nevali Chori,
Gebekli Tepe and others settlements. Main in the 11th –
19th millennium BC the cult of the Sun, which conditioned
the principle of centrism, embodied in the circle
in the construction of dwellings and sanctuaries, was
refl ected in the characteristic of the dominant zodiac
sign of that time Leo, which asserts leadership, power,
desire to be the centre. After all, its ruler is the Sun –
the centre, which organizes the movement of 7 planets
of its system. The transition to reproductive farm and
strengthening the cult of the Earth, which caused the
appearance of plans of buildings in the form of a symbol
of the earth – a rectangle, coincided in time with
the transition of the solar system in the middle of the
IX millennium BC in the zodiac sign of Cancer, one of
the main characteristics of which is the positioning of
the principle of reproduction and the linear principle of
development and movement.
Conclusions. The results of the study confi rm the infl uence
of religious-worldview ideas on the organization
of the space of sacred and residential buildings of the
XI–VII millennium BC, as well as the refl ection of the
leading in the XI–VII millennium BC the cults of the Sun
and the Earth in the characteristics of the dominant at
that time zodiac signs of the Lion (10 750 – 8600 BC)
and Cancer (8600 – 6450 BC). The refl ection of prevailing
religious-worldview ideas in the characteristics of
zodiac signs in a period when people still did not know
astronomy so much to determine the main constellation
(in which the sun rose on the day of vernal equinox and
give it an appropriate characteristic), indicates that it
is – the consequence is not human thought, but higher
intelligence. This conclusion does not contradict the
modern post-non-classical interpretation of the historical
development of mankind, to which the monadological
concept is approached, where the key notion of “monad”
appears as God, Reason, Reason, Principle of all things,
a cause of the unity and integrity of history.
Novelty. For the fi rst time, the infl uence of the cults of
the Sun and the Earth on the organization of space in
the buildings of the XI–VII millennium BC was shown
and the refl ection of religious-worldview ideas in the
characteristics of the dominant at that time zodiac
signs of the Lion and Cancer.
Perspective in this direction may be the study of the infl
uence of leading cults on the construction of sacred
earthen and stone structures V – I millennium BC and
the refl ection of the main religious-worldview ideas in
the characteristics of the dominant then zodiac signs of
Taurus and Aries.)
Тип файлу: | Стаття |
Ключові слова: | Близький Схід XI–VII тис. до н. е., вплив релігійно-світоглядних уявлень на організацію простору споруд, домінування модулю кола, домінування модулю прямокутника, зодіакальні знаки Лева і Рака (Middle East XI – VII millennium BC, the influence of religious and worldview notions on the organization of the space of buildings, the dominance of the circle module, the dominance of the rectangle module, zodiac signs of the Lion and Cancer) |
Теми: | За напрямами > Мистецтво |
Підрозділи: | Навчально-науковий інститут міжнародних відносин та національної безпеки > Кафедра інформаційно-документних комунікацій |
Розмістив/ла: | заввідділу Наталя Денисенко |
Дата розміщення: | 24 Січ 2020 20:32 |
Остання зміна: | 24 Січ 2020 20:32 |
URI: | https://eprints.oa.edu.ua/id/eprint/8107 |
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