Захист прав потерпілого при зміні та відмові прокурора від обвинувачення.(Protection of the victim's rights after refusing of keeping or change the accusation by the prosecutor.)

Герасимчук, О. П. (O. Gerasymczuk) (2006) Захист прав потерпілого при зміні та відмові прокурора від обвинувачення.(Protection of the victim's rights after refusing of keeping or change the accusation by the prosecutor.). Вісник Академії прокуратури України (№ 4). pp. 80-85.

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This article is devoted to the questions of victim's and his/her representative's activity after refusing of the prosecutor to keep the accusation or change of the charge during the court proceedings. Theoretical questions about nature and term of the charge, sustained by the victim, as well as some of practical problems of realization of the mentioned right of the victim and his/her representative are analyzed.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: by fields of science > Science of law > Criminal Law
Навчальні матеріали та презентації
Divisions: I. Malynovskyi Institute of Law > The Department of Justice and Criminal Law
Depositing User: Галина Цеп'юк
Date Deposited: 10 Jun 2011 12:22
Last Modified: 10 Jun 2011 12:22
URI: https://eprints.oa.edu.ua/id/eprint/836

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