Колос, М. І. (M. Kolos) (2020) Руське кримінальне право: проблеми достовірності поширення на території проживання народів угрофінської мовної групи (Criminal law of rus: problems of authenticity of distribution at the residence territories of finno-ugric language group people). Криминалист первопечатный (20). pp. 29-67.
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The article describes the results of the study of the problems of the reliability of
the d istrib u tio n of the crim inal law of the Rus (pro-U krainian) state of the period
X -X IV centuries on the te rrito ry inhabited by the peoples of the Finno-U gric language group (m erya, ves, m oksha, etc.), which are categorically called „R ussian“ in
the literary sources of the R ussian Em pire, the USSR and m odern R ussia. However, it has been reliably proved th a t the pro-U krainian crim inal law during this period not only did not spread, b u t could not function on the te rrito ry of „R ussia“,
because a country or state w ith such a name did not exist in the social n ature of
the planet a t th a t tim e.
It has been substantiated th a t the crim inal law of Rus was form ed among the
highly civilized people of Rus, which had its own te rrito ry of residence, language,
culture, international relations, etc. All legal acts of th is state were laid down by
the dukes of Rus w ith the participation of th e ir courts, for th e ir state and its people. Since the XII century th is rig h t could legitim ately be used by independent
Slavic principalities - satellites of the Rus state, including the Novgorod state
(principality). By the end of the XV century they were destroyed by the heirs of
the Golden Horde. In a legal way, the law of Rus spread to the te rrito ry of the
G rand Duchy of L ithuania, where Rus was incorporated in the second half of the
XIV century.
The peoples of the tribes of the Finno-U gric language group have never been
p art of the Rus state, ju s t as it was not a member of th eir inter-trib al associations.
The peoples of th is group had nothing to do w ith the emergence and developm ent
of the pro-U krainian crim inal law of the period of the functioning of the Rus state
in the X-XIV centuries. The unfounded appropriation by a foreign state of the history of other states and peoples, including in the aspect of crim inal law, justifiably
gives rise to a strin g of problems of intellectual content associated w ith the fo rm ation of high-quality curricula for students, graduate students, the tru th fu ln ess
of educational, scientific inform ation th a t is tau g h t by them and distributed among
other members society. M oreover, there is a problem of scientific nature of sources, in which the same legal facts (phenomena) are evaluated (perceived) in d ifferent
ways. Therefore, the article is devoted to the elim ination of these problem s in the
branch of U krainian crim inal law by means of its own science.
Тип файлу: | Стаття |
Теми: | За напрямами > Право. Юриспруденція. |
Підрозділи: | Навчально-науковий інститут права ім. І. Малиновського > Кафедра кримінально-правових дисциплін |
Розмістив/ла: | Галина Цеп'юк |
Дата розміщення: | 12 Січ 2021 09:46 |
Остання зміна: | 12 Січ 2021 09:46 |
URI: | https://eprints.oa.edu.ua/id/eprint/8404 |
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