Технологія гібридної війни росії проти України (на прикладі Донеччини) (Technology of hybrid war of russia against the Ukraine (evidence from Donetsk region))

Бенчук, В. О. (V. Benchuk) and Трофимович, В. В. (V. Trofymovych) (2021) Технологія гібридної війни росії проти України (на прикладі Донеччини) (Technology of hybrid war of russia against the Ukraine (evidence from Donetsk region)). Військово- науковий вісник Національної академії сухопутних військ імені гетьмана Петра Сагайдачного (вип.36). pp. 3-26.

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У статті розглядається технологія гібридної війни росії проти України (на прикладі Донеччини), її динаміка та евллюція.
(The article considers the technology of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine on the example of Donetsk region. Its dynamics and evolution can be traced in the socio-political and military processes that took place during the “Russian Spring” of 2014. It is noted that at the initial stage there was an attempt at a “popular uprising” scenario, but for a number of reasons it did not work. Therefore, under the leadership of officials of the RF Armed Forces, the Federal Security Service (FSB), and representatives of the Russian political authorities, a terrorist organization, the “DPR”, was formed with its own paramilitary groups. Its purpose was to provoke armed conflict by mass terror and provocations. These actions were accompanied by other types of tools of a hybrid war, among which important place was occupied by a powerful information campaign of Russian media resources, the content of which evolved depending on the situation. It was found that the successful liberation of the temporarily occupied territories by Ukrainian troops led to the invasion of regular Russian troops, the signing of the Minsk agreements and the transition of the armed conflict to a regime of varying intensity. Therefore, as a result of the study, the authors came to the following conclusions. Russia's hybrid aggression was due to the latter's desire to draw Ukraine in its global civilization projects. However, Ukrainian society looked forward to a different geopolitical vector of development of its state, which led to socio-political confrontation on the Maidan. Its victory forced Russia to resort to military aggression. This led to the capture of the Crimea and mass riots in Donetsk region, inspired by pro-Putin forces, which led to military intervention. The authors have identified five stages of the armed conflict to this date. Each of them has its own logic, due to the fact that the technology of hybrid aggression in Donetsk region evolved and had a dynamic character. Its goal was to gain political control over the Ukraine. Respectively, the situation was constantly changing - mass riots with the invasion of the “Crimean company” turned into full-scale hostilities, which forced the Ukrainian side to launch a counteroffensive. In turn, this led to the traditional military invasion of regular units of the Russian army. It was to prevent the defeat of the “DPR”. After having achieved this goal, the Kremlin continued to escalate the conflict in order to impose its terms on the Ukrainian side to fix up the situation in Donetsk region. Thus, Minsk-2 was signed, the articles of which satisfied more Kremlin interests than Ukrainian ones. At the last stage, official Moscow seeks, by changing the political-ideological and socio-cultural worldview of the occupied territory, to keep Ukraine in its geopolitical orbit through the “republic”.)

Тип файлу: Стаття
Ключові слова: armed conflict, “DPR”, Donetsk region, hybrid war, Russian, Ukrainian
Теми: За напрямами > Суспільні науки
Підрозділи: Навчально-науковий інститут міжнародних відносин та національної безпеки > Кафедра історії ім. проф. М.П. Ковальського
Розмістив/ла: заввідділу Наталя Денисенко
Дата розміщення: 21 Лют 2025 09:19
Остання зміна: 21 Лют 2025 09:19
URI: https://eprints.oa.edu.ua/id/eprint/9628

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