Подольська, Т. (Podolska T.) (2013) НАРАТИВНА ІДЕНТИЧНІСТЬ Й ЕТИЧНІ ЗАСАДИ КОМУНІКАТИВНО-ДИСКУРСИВНОГО ПРОСТОРУ (The narative identity and ethical principles of communicative and discoursive space ). Наукові записки. Серія “Філософія”, Вип.13. pp. 136-142.
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Обґрунтовано значущість наративної ідентичності як актуальної за умов сьогодення концепції,
що враховує темпоральні властивості людського буття та множинність його проявів. На рівні соціально-філософської
інтенцію в просторі комунікативно-дискурсивних практик (Identity as a process of permanent construction in the context of personal narrative development has been
examined. Within the framework of social-philosophic conceptualization a heuristic potential of identity,
narrative and communication conceptions are combined in the thesis with the conception of narrative
identity, which realizes its cognitive and explanatory intention in the space of communicational-discoursive
The concept of identity has been analyzed from the point of historical and philosophical filling with
categories of sameness and difference, the internal and external, the single and multiple that are meaningful
for its content. At the same time historical transformations of the concept and phenomenon identity has been
traced in the ontological, gnosiological, as well as existential and communicative dimensions, and namely in
the perspective of moving from the philosophy of consciousness to the philosophy of communication.
It has been indicated that narrative as a method of cognition, which combines the subjects of language
and time, influence of sociocultural factors upon psychological balance of a human, in full demonstrates its
efficiency in the space of sociohumanitarian cognition.
The significance of narrative identity as an actual conception of today has been substantiated on the basis
of both human being temporality and multiplicity of its possible manifestations.
It was ascertained that the construction of narrative as one of fundamental components of social
interaction whereas that of narrative identity as the process of self-consciousness of a person on the basis of
his or her speech actions and deeds in the space of interpersonal, discoursively determined communication
makes it possible to affirm the narrative character of social reality, and namely to speak about narrativization
of social reality.
The explication of the problem of narrative identity, offered in this work, is based on the necessity of
self-defining of a person near other and for other. Therefore the conclusion consists in the fact that the most
adequate way to analyze the narrative identity is possible in the space of communication, and dialogue
that are oriented on comprehension of both another person and oneself. Namely in the context of social
interaction individuality has the best way to manifest oneself, whereas his or her actions, and speech acts
afford ground for speaking about definite authorship, about in this way narrated I.
Particular importance in the context of mutual understanding of everyday life actors consists in the
responsibility for actions, and oneself narrations, which is identified as a moral constituent of the narrative
Тип файлу: | Стаття |
Ключові слова: | ідентичність, наратив, наративна ідентичність, комунікація, повсякденність, комунікативна дія, відповідальність (identity, narrative, narrative identity, communication, everyday life, communicative act, responsibility) |
Теми: | За напрямами > Філософія Навчальні матеріали та презентації За напрямами > Суспільні науки |
Підрозділи: | Навчально-науковий інститут соціально-гуманітарного менеджменту > Кафедра філософії та культурного менеджменту |
Розмістив/ла: | заввідділу Наталя Денисенко |
Дата розміщення: | 23 Тра 2013 13:40 |
Остання зміна: | 23 Тра 2013 13:40 |
URI: | https://eprints.oa.edu.ua/id/eprint/1948 |
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