Більченко, Є. (E. Bilchenko) (2014) Проект модерну в ХХ-ХХІ столітті: універсалії, реконструкція та реструктуризація (Project of modern in XX–XXI centureіss: universalities, deconstruction and reconstruction). Наукові записки Національного університету "Острозька академія". Серія "Філософія", Вип.15. pp. 32-40.
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Стаття присвячена культурологічному аналізу проекту модерну, конституйованого у межах школи
Ю. Габермаса та філософських дискусій з постмодерном кінця ХХ – початку ХХІ століть у трьох значеннях:
як епоха Нового часу; як форма культурної самосвідомості розвинутого індустріального суспільства Заходу;
як універсалія соціальної еволюції на принципах суб’єктивності, раціональності, центрації, уніфікації та
лінійного тексту історії. У роботі розглядаються основні напрями критики модерну в дискурсі інтертекстуальності
та шляхи його відродження у вигляді філософських тенденцій до неоуніверсалізму, номадизму,
транскультури та концепту інформаційної розваги («інфотейнмент») (Article is devoted to culturological analysis of project of Modern, constituted within the school of Y. Habermas and
philosophical discussions with postmodern late XX – early XXI centuries in three senses: as the era of the New Age, as
a form of cultural identity of advanced industrial societies of the West, as a universal social evolution on the principles
of subjectivity, rationality, centration, unification and linear text of history.
This paper defines: the main directions of criticism of Modern in discourse about intertextuality and ways to its
revival in the form of philosophical trends to neouniversalism, nomadism and transculture.
Relevance of the research topic Urgency of the dilemma «Modern Style – the Postmodern Style» in conditions of
informational society becomes evident taking into account crisis of the postmodern discourse on the level of cultural
selfconsciousness. The crisis comes after the collapse of multiculturalism project. This crisis concordantly encourages to
look for new ways of society development. Being real or imaginary, utopian or pragmatic these ways should serve as an
antidote in the situation of the total relativation of values and informational shock which are the foreseen consequences
of loyal tolerance traditionally proposed by the liberal thought.
On the level of philosophic discourse (this is the very aspect the article is going to deal with) the «Modern Style»
concept was conceptualized in the period between 1980s and 1990s in the result of long-lasting philosophic, ethic
and aesthetic discussions concerning identification of cultural selfconsciousness model of Western countries industrial
society. Historical origins of this style of thinking are to be found in the tradition of New Age Rationalism (first of
all Enlightenment). A characteristic feature of this type of selfconsciousness is appearance of two new functionally
interrelated structures; they are: an appropriate economic production of goods and bureaucratic state apparatus. So, the
idea of organized control in conditions of which a standard unit is absolutized as the Center (state, economy, language,
mass culture etc) becomes the notional dominant of the modern consciousness taking into account its commitment to
mass character, standardization, unification, rational appropriateness and linear development.
In fact it is claim of «Modern Style» to universality as well as Hegel’s pathos of hegemony being a characteristic
feature of it that led to radical deconstruction of this project in linguistic discourses initiated by poststructuralists:
starting from M.Heidegger’s Language Philosophy and up to semiotic violence of the «Science about Writing» (gramme,
DifferAnce) J. Derrida with his total rejection of the idea of the Center and affirmation of text rhizomnity. On the other
hand individualization of personality in the Poststructuralism actively caught by contra-cultural movements during the
period of «sexual revolution» in the USA (hippie, beatniks, rockers) turned out to be a tragedy of abnegation. Really,
demonstrating protest against heartless narrow-minded total-mass structures Postmodern simultaneously protested
against meta-narratives which are higher human spiritual values being the basis of self-constitutioning in the sphere of
culture. And here comes the «crisis of metaphysical identity» (B. Hubbner). Longing for the Being is now a renewal of
universalistic tradition in form of a trend towards the neouniversalism and nomadism, which connect the intension to
unity with the intension to plurality on the base of transcultural playing and tourist travel in media world of information
entertainments («infotainment»))
Тип файлу: | Стаття |
Ключові слова: | модерн, постмодерн, універсалії, суб’єкт, раціональність, центрація, інтертекстуальність, неоуніверсалізм, номадизм, транскультура, «інфотейнмент» (Modern, Postmodern, universals, subject, rationality, centration, intertextuality, neouniversalism, nomadism, transculture, infotainment) |
Теми: | За напрямами > Філософія Навчальні матеріали та презентації |
Підрозділи: | UNSPECIFIED |
Розмістив/ла: | заввідділу Наталя Денисенко |
Дата розміщення: | 06 Тра 2014 08:31 |
Остання зміна: | 06 Тра 2014 08:31 |
URI: | https://eprints.oa.edu.ua/id/eprint/2775 |
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