Бодак, В. (V. Bodak) (2017) Етнорелігійна свідомість як стратегія ідентичності особистості та спільноти (Ethno-religious consciousness as a strategy of personal identity and community). Наукові записки Національного університету «Острозька академія». Серія «Філософія» (Вип 20). pp. 68-73. ISSN 2312-7112
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У статті виявлено та обґрунтовано феномен етнорелігійної свідомості як стратегії досягнення ідентичності особистості та спільноти в культурно-історичних обставинах минулого і сьогодення; з’ясовано сутність та зв’язок понять «релігійна культура», «ідентичність», «маргінальність»; встановлено, як об’єктивується процес ідентифікації в культурі, в часі і просторі особистісного та суспільного буття; визначено наслідки та перспективи цього процесу.
(The article reveals and justifies the phenomenon of ethno-religious consciousness as a strategy to achieve personal
identity and community in the cultural and historical realities of the past and present; clarifies the nature and relationship of the concepts of «religious culture», «identity», «marginality»; determines the way the identification process is objectivized in the culture, time and space of personal and social life; identifies the impact and prospects of this process. The term «identity» at the interdisciplinary scientific discourse has acquired a series of meanings that, according to L. Schneider, can be reduced to three main ones:
1) integrity of a person as its integrative constituent; 2) the extent to which a person, group, gender, ethnicity, race etc.; 3) the self, the authenticity of an individual.Ethno-religiousness is formed as a result of the interaction of religious and ethnic awareness of similar and different phenomena in the perception of other cultures and peoples, as strategy of identity of a person and a community. The role of the religious factor in the existence and development of national spirituality of the Ukrainian people in different periods of history was very different. In particular, as emphasized by A. Kolodny, L. Filipovich, it was characterized by the absence of absolute coincidence of «We» as a religious community (specific denomination) with a sense of the national «We». Therefore, objectively, а religion is a distinctive feature of an ethnic group, however, the specific confessional form of the religion can characterise ethnicity only historically.The belonging of an individual to the Orthodox Church, which itself was undergoing periods of forced russification thus losing its ability to function as a national integrator. In certain periods of the Ukrainian history the Church began to hold the national identity of the people, displacing awareness of ethnic identity. That is why ethnic and religious constituents do not coincide: an ethnic or «conscious» Ukrainian, is not necessarily Orthodox or Greek-Catholic. In addition, the fact is that today there is a great number of non-believers and also non-denominational Christians. In such conditions it is vital to start an interreligious dialogue as an unconditional waiver of its subjects from the monopoly on the truth as well as openness and respect for other identities as otherness.)
Тип файлу: | Стаття |
Ключові слова: | ідентичність, маргінальність, етнорелігійна свідомість, конфесія (Іdentity, marginalization, ethnic and religious consciousness, confession) |
Теми: | За напрямами > Філософія |
Підрозділи: | UNSPECIFIED |
Розмістив/ла: | Ірина Погончук |
Дата розміщення: | 26 Вер 2017 07:10 |
Остання зміна: | 26 Вер 2017 09:53 |
URI: | https://eprints.oa.edu.ua/id/eprint/6092 |
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