Olishkevych, S. (С. Олішкевич) (2018) Practical aspects of teachers’ professional training for character education (Практичні аспекти підготовки вчителів до здійснення виховання характеру). Practical asp ects o fteach ers’ p rofession al training fo rcharacter education. pp. 171-177. ISSN 2308-4855
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The aim o f the article is to point out the practical aspects o f teachers ’professional training for character education.
It was found out that the increase in the importance o f character education in the educational surrounding o f the United States is mainly caused by the youth’s moral illiteracy. The situation demands an appropriate training o f future teachers in this field. We detected that section “Character Education ’’ was introduced and added to the general university curriculum o f the future teachers in a number o f American universities. Except that, the importance o f character education programs
evaluation was noticed.
The article looks at the integration o f particular character education elements peculiarities and new studying program development requirements which are based on structural and complex approach so as to be added to the general degree curriculum. The emphasis was also made on the fact that future teachers master their character education professional skills by learning and analyzing the level o f students ’ moral education, as well as practical application o f their knowledge.
Practical experience o f character education component integration was extensively studied on the example o f
bachelor degree programs at Boston University and St. Francis University. Major ways o f character education training fo r future teachers were determined: university value-oriented education, service-learning and character education itself; adding term paper topics which are directly related to character education and its implementation at schools; aiming faculty activity at the help for school districts and communities in the process o f introducing character education in schools.
The article states the goals o f Character education-oriented courses: to identify the philosophical and psychological foundations o f the character education; to compare and contrast pedagogical peculiarities that characterize each o f the value-based learning approaches; to provide the examples o f effective forms, methods and educational activities for classroom use, to provide teachers with educational materials that can be used to list the values and character traits in the school curriculum. It was revealed that he microclimate in the class is rather important; a specially designed course 'The course ‘Discipline and Classroom Management Techniques in the Inclusionary Classroom ’ that
is devoted to the importance o f creating a friendly and caring atmosphere in the class was reviewed.
(Статтю присвячено аналізу практичних аспектів підготовки вчителів до здійснення виховання характеру.
Вивчено досвід американських університетів, які інтегрували компонент «виховання характеру» в навчальний
план підготовки майбутніх педагогів. Також виокремлено основні способи інтегрування елементів виховання
характеру в програму підготовки майбутніх учителів: загальноуніверситетський курс на виховання характеру і
практичне навчання; додавання до переліку тем курсових робіт, есе й довгострокових проектів, таких, які безпосередньо пов ’язані зі здійсненням виховання характеру в навчальних закладах; участь майбутніх учителів у розробці та вдосконаленні програм «Виховання характеру». Детально проаналізовано мету й завдання академічнихкурсів, які присвячені вихованню характеру.)
Тип файлу: | Стаття |
Ключові слова: | (professional training, character education, values, future teachers, preservice teachers, character education courses (виховання характеру, майбутні вчителі, вчителі-асистенти, курси, зорієнтовані на виховання характеру, професійна підготовка, цінності) |
Теми: | За напрямами > Освіта > Педагогіка |
Підрозділи: | Навчально-науковий інститут лінгвістики > Кафедра англійської мови та літератури |
Розмістив/ла: | Галина Цеп'юк |
Дата розміщення: | 22 Лис 2018 08:14 |
Остання зміна: | 22 Лис 2018 08:14 |
URI: | https://eprints.oa.edu.ua/id/eprint/7376 |
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