Information warfare and Ukrainian Youth

Khudoliy, Anatoliy (2023) Information warfare and Ukrainian Youth. Inequality, Informational Warfare, Fakes and Self-Regulation in Education and Upbringing of Youth, Youth Voice Journal, II. pp. 32-46. ISSN 9781911634799

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The article examines Ukrainian students’ perception of information warfare waged by the Russian Federation against Ukraine during the period since February till September of 2022. The author has made an attempt to highlight attitude of contemporary young people to the influence of fake news on their life and activity. Hatred and aggression of fake news, fake text messages and narratives spread by Russian mass media brings up the necessity for studying of the results of false information on mindsets of young people and their communication. Thus, research is necessary to examine the influence of Russian propaganda on Ukrainian society, with the current article focusing on students’ news perception. This article discusses the effects of TV and Internet news on lifestyles, behavior and education of young people both personally and socially linking theory and practice. The purpose of the study was to explore not only the attitude of students towards news, but also the Russian propaganda purposes and results of its influence. The study involved 18-20-year-old students of Ukrainian higher educational institution in Western Ukraine. The research was conducted among 100 students in September of 2022. In terms of data collection, the author used a case study and a questionnaire. In this study, mass media influence was evaluated from students’ perspectives and discussed in terms of propaganda. Author also managed to identify spheres of young adults’ online interests and analyzed them from their standpoint. The research results could help efficiently counteract Russian propaganda and raise awareness of young Ukrainians about information threats and information warfare affect.

Тип файлу: Стаття
Ключові слова: information warfare, social media, fake news, false information, young people, Ukraine, students, propaganda, Russian news
Теми: За напрямами > Загальні питання лінгвістики та літератури
Навчальні матеріали та презентації
Підрозділи: Навчально-науковий інститут лінгвістики > Кафедра лінгвістики та перекладу
Розмістив/ла: професор Анатолій Худолій
Дата розміщення: 14 Тра 2024 06:23
Остання зміна: 14 Тра 2024 06:23

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