Супрун, Л. В. (L. Suprun) (2015) Експресивний синтаксис вісниківських статей Дмитра Донцова. Наукові записки Національного університету «Острозька академія». Серія «Філологічна» (Вип.57). pp. 18-21.
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З’ясовано синтаксичні засоби апеляції до ментальності читачів часопису «Літературно-Науковий Вістник» («Вістник»). Здійснено спробу довести, що, актуалізуючи експресивний потенціал українського синтаксису, публіцист намагається стимулювати підсвідоме ввімкнення генетичної
пам’яті реципієнтів інформації, а отже, зробити свою концепцію ближчою і зрозумілішою їм.
(The organization of the communicative process in the herald’s articles has been done by Dmytro Dontsov with regard to the emotional atmosphere of the Ukrainian society, for the conceptualization of reality by means of the Ukrainian language is carried out in view of the accentuation of individualism and emotionalism. In spite of the negative attitude towards dominating mental features of the Ukrainianethnos, the talented publicist was able to efficiently use one of the most powerful tools of informational and psychological influence – the emotional and estimative imagery of Ukrainian people – presenting it in the herald’s narrative in a qualitatively modified way, however. The emotionality of Dmytro Dontsov is emphatic and expressive as well as filled with negativism.
The process of expressivity is especially distinct in the syntactical system of the periodical. Dontsov as
a publicist takes into account all national and syntactical traditions, while giving preference to those which are most of all characteristic of the ethnical peculiarities of the linguistic behavior of Ukrainian people.
By means of certain syntactical constructions, the journalist creates an intense emotional background for
delivering information. Herewith, due to their emotional and expressive function, parceled constructions
stand out among others.
Parceling is a parameter of the syntax of a free flow of perception characteristic of live colloquial speech.
Due to their disharmonious nature, parceled constructions are most easily perceived by a common reader of
journalistic information, for they reflect the process of unprepared, spontaneous communication. Moreover,
in the herald’s opinion journalism of Dontsov, parceled constructions are bearers of a strong emotional
and expressive stream. With their help, the journalist tries to activate one of the most dominant features
of Ukrainian mentality – emotionality – so that the reader does not remain indifferent to the information
generated in the communicative system of the «Literary and Scientific Herald» («Herald»).
With communicative constructions, characteristic of live colloquial speech, D. Dontsov creates intense
emotional support of communication.
Moreover, with the help of «Question-Answer» constructions, D. Dontsov tried to stimulate the emotional memory of the herald’s readers and as a result – to reach his communicative purpose. The herald’s editor
uses them to attach a conversational nature to communication, to enliven the narration, to enter into and remain in contact with the reader.
He appeals to the mentality of the herald’s readers in a rather emotional way, which is supposed to engage
their inherited memory and thus – to make the journalist’s conception closer and more understandable for the recipient of information.)
Тип файлу: | Стаття |
Ключові слова: | Експресивний синтаксис, Донцов-публіцист, «Літературно-Науковий Вістник» («Вістник») Expressive syntax, publicist Dontsov, «Literary-Scientific Herald» («Herald») |
Теми: | За напрямами > Загальні питання лінгвістики та літератури > Літературна критика. Літературні дослідження |
Підрозділи: | Наукова бібліотека Національного університету Острозька академія > Наукові збірники |
Розмістив/ла: | Галина Цеп'юк |
Дата розміщення: | 24 Лют 2017 12:57 |
Остання зміна: | 24 Лют 2017 12:57 |
URI: | https://eprints.oa.edu.ua/id/eprint/5481 |
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