The relevance of public speech in the presidency of Donald Trump – the US elections in analysis

Costa, Bruno Ferreira and Khudoliy, Anatoliy Oleksiyov (2019) The relevance of public speech in the presidency of Donald Trump – the US elections in analysis. Estudos em Comunicação. (29). pp. 103-126.

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The importance of the US presidential elections results from the analysis of several factors, both at the systemic level and their impact on the international political order.
In the middle term of the Donald Trump's presidency, it is important to analyze the discourse model used and its impact on election results. In fact, many studies have focused on the characteristics of the voters that led to Trump's victory, leading a short discussion about the importance and the role of public speech in the electoral battle of 2016. The campaign discourse and the way Donald Trump keep the communication strategy during the mandate is a key element to understand the US political system and could represent a new model to analyze the different concepts of leadership at a global level. A close insight into it can illustrate many facets and facts about discourse as an instrument in electoral campaign and how it is perceived by voters. The study investigates D. Trump’s speeches during the 2016 presidential elections in order to identify his sentiments, discourse themes and strategies.
We used the technique of content analysis and event-analysis, along with the descriptive approach, with the aim of outlining the impact of Donald Trump's public speeches during this period.
The study revealed that Trump’s speeches were topic oriented. The study allowed us to deepen the knowledge about the role of political public speeches and the new strategy adopted by Donald Trump to keep a significant average of supporters.

Тип файлу: Стаття
Ключові слова: political communication, American presidential elections, public speeches, campaign themes, D. Trump, electoral system
Теми: За напрямами > Загальні питання лінгвістики та літератури > Риторика
Навчальні матеріали та презентації
Підрозділи: Навчально-науковий інститут лінгвістики > Кафедра лінгвістики та перекладу
Розмістив/ла: професор Анатолій Худолій
Дата розміщення: 08 Тра 2024 12:15
Остання зміна: 08 Тра 2024 12:15

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