Training of Specialists in the Field of Psychological and Pedagogical Education of Children Through the Prism of Adaptation to Emergencies: Resilience Approach: the Materials of the International Round Table (Ostroh town, February 15-17, 2024)

Havryliuk, Denys and Balashov, Eduard, eds. (2024) Training of Specialists in the Field of Psychological and Pedagogical Education of Children Through the Prism of Adaptation to Emergencies: Resilience Approach: the Materials of the International Round Table (Ostroh town, February 15-17, 2024). Publishing House of the National University of Ostroh Academy, Ostroh. ISBN 978-617-8041-24-3

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The collection presents the materials of the presentations of the participants of the international round table on topic «Training of Specialists in the Field of Psychological and Pedagogical Education of Children through the Prism of Adaptation to Emergencies: Resilience Approach», which took place at the National University of Ostroh Academy within the framework of the International Visegrad Fund Project «Resilience Approach in Cross-Cultural Training of Future Teachers in Ukraine and V4 Countries» (Project ID: 22220170).
As part of the round table graduate students, scientists,
teachers, educators, and psychologists made presentations on
various aspects and problems of innovative approaches in the
training of specialists who work with children and youth. Holding a round table made it possible to create a unique platform for engaging in insightful discussions and exchanging valuable insights.

Тип файлу: Книга
Additional Information: DOI 10.25264/978-617-8041-24-3
Теми: За напрямами > Психологія
Підрозділи: Навчально-науковий інститут соціально-гуманітарного менеджменту > Кафедра психології та педагогіки
Розмістив/ла: Галина Петрівна Цеп'юк
Дата розміщення: 03 Чер 2024 14:22
Остання зміна: 03 Чер 2024 14:22

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